The Rev. Dr. Desmond C. Francis, Rector

Sunday Holy Eucharist Service - 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary
Sunday School - during 9:30 Eucharist service
Coffee Hour  follows service in the Parish Hall.
Wednesday Holy Eucharist-10 AM in Parish Hall

Photos of parish events at
Updated September 14, 2024

See photos of Trinity's 220th Anniversary Celebration
HERE and HERE and HERE. 

Upcoming Events

Come to church on October 27th and get a SPOOKY HALLOWEEN TREAT created by Sue Dippo!

ANNUAL FALL CLEANUP: Join us after the service on Oct 27th (weather permitting) as we rake (fewer) leaves, clear gutters and do other fall cleanup chores - extra rakes appreciated. Bring your sandwich or lite lunch - soup provided.


TRINITY DISCERNMENT FOR THE FUTURE MEETING is on November 2nd at 9:00 AM in our Parish Hall.


HOLIDAY FAIR takes place on Saturday, November 9 from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM. 


ADVENT INTER-EPISCOPAL SCRIPTURE LESSONS AND CAROLS SERVICE is on Sunday at St. John's Church, Cohoes at 4:30 PM on Sunday, December 15.


BISHOP JEREMIAH AND FAMILY WILL VISIT US FOR HIS EPISCOPAL VISIT on Sunday the 22nd of December for our 9:30 AM Service. If you wish to be Baptized, Confirmed or Received into the Church or Reaffirm your Baptismal Covenant or Christian Faith during the Bishop’s visit, you can do so. Please let Father Desmond know as soon as possible. 


Check the calendar below for service times and for special events.

Watch Bishop Jeremiah Williamson's Address at the 2024 Convention HERE.

View the PowerPoint presentation about the Mission in Malawi presented by the Sisters of the Community of St. Mary to us on June 2, 2024 HERE.