The Rev. Dr. Desmond C. Francis, Rector

SUMMER 2024: Sunday Holy Eucharist Service - 9:30 AM in the Parish Hall.
Sunday School will resume in September 2024.
Coffee Hour  follows service in the Parish Hall.
Wednesday Holy Eucharist - 10:00 AM in Parish Hall

Photos of parish events at

Watch Bishop Jeremiah Williamson's Address at the 2024 Convention HERE.

View the PowerPoint presentation about the Mission in Malawi presented by the Sisters of the Community of St. Mary to us on June 2, 2024 HERE.

Upcoming Events

~June 30 - Sept. 8 - Sunday 9:30 Eucharist will take place in the Parish Hall
~Sunday, August 25, 2024 - TRINITY'S 220th ANNIVERSARY REUNION
Parishioners past and present will gather for a day of celebration. Save the date, invite people you think would be interested, and stay tuned for details.
~Sunday, September 29 - Parish Picnic at Christ the King Center
~Saturday, November 16, 9AM to 2 PM - Holiday Fair 

Check the calendar below for service times and for special events.